Friday, November 15, 2013

Ah... the Military Life!

  I have been a Catholic all my life but I did not really get to KNOW my faith until I had my children.  Since I was married to my husband 16 years ago, I have also been married to the Air Force.  This Air Force life has helped me grow in my faith because my Catholic faith is the one constant, the one absolute truth and home away from, through all these years of travel and family separation.  No one knows the difficulties of military life until they have live it.  I have been an Religious Teacher for the past 13 years and I have seen a lot. From Vandenberg to Albuquerque, to England, Florida, and now Minot, we have seen a lot.  Recently, I worked for 18 months as the Minot AFB Catholic Coordinator, learning the job as I went. I would love for there to be one site where we military Catholics, could go to find support and ideas as we grow in our Catholic faith.  There is nothing like the military chapel where everything must be hidden when not in use. I don't think civilian Catholics know that the crucifix must be rolled, turned, or hidden behind drapes as soon as Mass ends.  That our tabernacles are hidden in small Blessed Sacrament Chapels and our Religious Education spaces are set up and taken down every time they are used.  Military chapels must always be "neutral" when they are not actively being used.  I understand why and I support the reasons but having to do this every day can give us many challenges that other Catholic Churches do not have.  I hope my fellow military Catholics share their experiences and ideas so we can make all of our lives easier and more fruitful as we grow in our Catholicism!

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