Saturday, March 8, 2014

Have you heard of the Little Purple Books??

Subbing at the local Catholic school I was introduced to these adorable little purple books. The class is using them to prepare and learn through the Lenten Season.  They are so cute and they have a one page activity for each day of Lent.  Take a look!  They are created and distributed by the Diocese of Saginaw.

Sophia Institute

On my search for more Catholic material, I came across this site for the Sophia Institute.  They have some great  Catholic literature I have not seen before.  Worth the time if you are looking for some new or difficult to find Catholic literature.
They even have a $5 book sale site!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Lent is Upon Us!

Wow, I feel like such a bad Catholic mom (must be the Catholic guilt) when I look at some of these Catholic family websites and all they have planned for Lent!  Wow!...that is all I can say.  Handmade Stations of the Cross, Lenten decorations, specially prepared and lovely displayed  And here I was proud that I have stocked up on the fish sticks, mac & cheese, and tomato soup.  I am happy I turned my daily Catholic calendar to the correct date and have successfully kept up with my daily meditation for the last three days!!  Our family will make every effort to make it to the weekly Stations of the Cross and help when we can at the chapel but I know our limitations and I just can't see myself having the energy to work as hard as some of these families seem too.  They must be awake until the wee hours of the morning pasting shiny jewels on their personalized Stations of the Cross sets.  Don't get me wrong, I think their hard work and love of the faith is most admirable.  It is kinda of like Olympic athletes. I loved watching the Olympics and seeing people succeed after their hard work but I don't think I'm going Luge or Curl anytime soon.  I love looking at these awesome Catholic blogs and they make me want to be a better Catholic and Catholic mother but again I know my limitations.  Oh well, God knows me and knows I am trying.  On that note I liked the meditation I read this morning (it was also the reading for today):
This, rather, is the fasting that I wish:
releasing those bound unjustly,
untying the thongs of the yoke,
Setting free the oppressed,
breaking every yoke;
Sharing your bread with the hungry,
sheltering the oppressed and the homeless;
Clothing the naked when you see them,
and not turning your back on your own.
Then your light shall break forth like the dawn, and your wound shall quickly be healed.
--Isaiah 58:6-8.

Childrens' Stations of the Cross

I found this adorable depictions of the 15 Stations of the Cross through the Happy Saints website:
The Way of the Cross booklet came with short and sweet meditations that would work well for children between 3-7.  The booklet also came with coloring sheets, color copies to use as stations, and circular or square medals depicting each station, that can be made into all sorts of things for the children (magnets, medals, memory games, etc.).   I know the older kids will appreciate how quickly the Way of the Cross will move with this shorter version.  Being a military Catholic Community, we have a large population of younger children so this should work well.  The children will each get their own ring with all 15 stations.  I am really excited to implement this during Lent 2014!


This a new program from Lighthouse Media for Adult catechesis and looks really interesting.  Take a look or head to their website:
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    This comprehensive package includes everything a leader would need to present Symbolon to a group: All ten episodes on five DVDs, the leader guides for each session, and the Participant‘s Guide.Symbolon is designed support all faith formation efforts in a parish. It can be used in a variety of ways and in a wide range of settings including men’s groups, women’s groups, Bible studies, and man... [More]

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    Catholicism is an entire way of life. But today it’s not known. We might be familiar with different aspects of the Catholic faith. But how does it all fit together? And what difference does it make for our lives? "Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained" opens up the “big picture” of the Catholic faith in a way that helps us know it, live it and articulate it to others.Symbolon uses state-of... [More]

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    This guide makes it easy for any faithful Catholic to lead an effective Symbolon study, whether at home or in the parish.It walks leaders step-by-step through a Symbolon session, equipping them to lead with confidence and clarity. The guide provides opening and closing prayers, discussion questions, reflections for participants to take to prayer and important background to help facilitators lead a... [More]

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    The participant guide is the key for helping people apply what they learn about their faith to their daily lives.Full-color sacred art draws people into the beauty of the Catholic faith. Quotes from Scripture, the saints and recent popes deepen their understanding of the Church’s teachings. Engaging discussion topics and reflections to take to prayer inspire participants to give their lives more... [More]

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    Thursday, March 6, 2014

    AMS digital resources!

    More from the AMS.  It looks they are really trying to help military catechist gain the tools they need to be modern, relevant, and successful evangelizers of the Catholic faith!
    Mar 5 at 2:31 PM
    Archdiocese for the Military Services Launches New Digital Media Center
    Contact: Taylor Henry
    (202) 719-3643
    Photo Cutline Below

    Archdiocese for the Military Services Launches New Digital Media Center

    Site brings Catholic resources to U.S. Military families worldwide

    WASHINGTON, D.C.—With Lent starting this week, the Archdiocese for the Military Services (AMS) today announced launch of a new Digital Media Center for Catholic ministry leaders, catechists, and individuals stationed worldwide in the United States Military as well as those under observation or treatment in the nation’s Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Centers.

    The AMS Digital Media Center, now online at, offers single-site access to a wide array of media tools for faith formation, practice, and leadership. These tools include live streaming video, podcasts, or blogs by noted Catholic clergy, spiritual leaders, and noted speakers such as Father Robert Barron. Current links and postings focus heavily on the Lenten penitential season with titles such as “What are the Practices of Lent;” “A Time to Enrich Others by Our Own Poverty;” and “What is the Story with LENT.”

    His Excellency, the Most Reverend Timothy P. Broglio, J.C.D., Archbishop for the Military Services, appears on video from Jerusalem, extending a warm welcome to visitors. Directly addressing Catholic servicemen in his greeting, Archbishop Broglio says:

    “I am well aware of the many moves that each one of you endures in service to our country to support the mission and in pursuit of peace. As you support the mission of your command, remember also to pursue daily your mission of faith as well… This Digital Media Center has a wealth of resources to support you, to challenge you, and to encourage you to deepen your relationship with the living Christ. I pray that these videos, podcasts, photos, audio talks, and music will provide such encounters that you will want to share with others.”

    The Digital Media Center features content largely appealing to service members as well as their families, with particular attention paid to topics of interest to young adults, the largest population in the military. Currently, for example, visitors can watch Father Barron’s reflection on modern day culture; Father Steve Gibson’s explanation of why sex is sacred; and Bishop John Quinn’s perspective on the importance of encouraging lay involvement in the Church. Membership, although free, is not required to view free documents and videos, and listen to free audios. However, visitors are invited to join so they can receive notifications and participate in the On-Line community, and membership is required to actually upload media.

    Dr. Mark Moitoza, AMS Vice-Chancellor for Evangelization, said:
    “A great deal of content has been donated for those serving in the military and their families. Some content is offered for a small fee. Ministry leaders and those new to the faith will find digital content particular to the liturgical seasons, the Sunday readings, and important topics relevant to the Catholic faith. These digital resources support small faith groups, catechetical gatherings for all ages, and strive to connect young adults with engaging content.  The AMS Digital Media Center engages both the individual and the wider community to build the habits of discipleship through daily reflection and prayer.”
    In order to watch videos in the AMS Digital Media Center, visitors must have access to the following system requirements: Macromedia Flash Player 7.0+ plug-in; Windows 2000 or higher with latest updates installed; Mac OS X 10.3 or higher; Firefox 1.1+, Internet Explorer 6.0+, or Safari 1.0+; Broadband connection with 500+ Kbps. The visitor can view an image, watch a video, or play an audio simply by clicking on the title or thumbnail (small version) of the image corresponding to the desired file. This will activate the media player and start the video or audio. Answers to questions may be found in the Help section, or by clicking “Contact Us,” at the bottom of the screen on the sitemap bar.

    Photo Cutline: New Digital Media Center of the Archdiocese for the Military Services.


    The Archdiocese for the Military Services (AMS) was created as an independent archdiocese by Pope John Paul II in 1985 as the only Catholic jurisdiction responsible for endorsing and granting faculties for priests to serve as chaplains in the U.S. military and VA Medical Centers.

    AMS-endorsed priests serve at more than 220 U.S. military installations in 29 countries, making the AMS the nation's only global archdiocese. AMS-endorsed priests also serve at 153 VA Medical Centers throughout the U.S.

    The AMS service population also includes American Catholic civilians working for the federal government in 134 countries, but currently, due to limited resources, the AMS cannot adequately serve this population.

    Worldwide, an estimated 1.8 million Catholics depend on the AMS to meet their spiritual and sacramental needs.
    For more information on the Archdiocese for the Military Services, visit, the only official website for Catholics in the military and for the Cause of Father Vincent Capodanno, MM.

    News from the AMS

    Contact: Taylor Henry
     (202) 719-3643
    Photo Cutline Below

    Catholic Catechists in U.S. Military Gather in Baltimore for Mid-Atlantic Congress

    Archbishop Broglio to give opening talk on “The Joy of Proclaiming Jesus Christ according to Lumen Fidei”

    BALTIMORE—Fifty-four religious educators and supporters of the Archdiocese for the Military Services (AMS) will be among Catholic lay leaders gathering in Baltimore, Md. this weekend for three days of  training, discussion, and prayer at the  3rd Annual Mid-Atlantic Congress – Forming Catholic Leaders for Faith-filled Service. The Congress, co-sponsored by the Association of Catholic Publishers and the Archdiocese of Baltimore, in partnership with the National Leadership Roundtable for Church Management, offers parish and diocesan staff and volunteers an in-depth opportunity to address temporal challenges facing Catholic leaders in the areas of management, finances, human resources, and planning. More than 1300 from across the country are registered to attend.

    The AMS group—consisting of catechists and others from United States military installations mainly throughout the eastern United States, but as far away as Wiesbaden, Germany—will focus on ways to develop catechetical leadership in faith formation programs for military families. On Thursday evening, at an opening dinner sponsored by the Catholic book publishing house RCL Benziger of Cincinnati, Ohio, His Excellency, the Most Reverend Timothy P. Broglio, J.C.D., Archbishop for the Military Services, will deliver a talk on “The Joy of Proclaiming Jesus Christ according to Lumen Fidei.” Friday and Saturday are filled with a busy schedule of roundtables, breakout sessions, speeches and exhibits as well as the Sacraments of Reconcilation and the Eucharist.

    Mr. Jose Amaya, AMS Director of Faith Formation, said:

    “The Mid-Atlantic Congress is a wonderful opportunity for military catechetical leaders and catechists to nourish their faith journey with Jesus Christ and to strengthen their skills to teach the faith to all. Participants will find the liturgies, general assemblies and the workshops to be inspiring and vibrant moments to ignite the flame of faith to go out to make disciples for Jesus Christ. The Congress is also an opportunity to meet and interact with other colleagues and to find good resources for ministry.”
    The AMS group of 54 includes RCL Benziger representatives and lay leaders from the following military installations: Aberdeen Proving Ground, Fort Meade, Wiesbaden-Germany, Joint Base (JB) Anacostia/Bolling, Caslisle Barracks, Langley Air Force Base (AFB), Travis AFB and Fort Eustis. Other special guests include Michael Howard, a facilitator helping to train catechists with the AMS Catechetical Methodology course, and Jeff and Janet Harmon from Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Lexington Park, Md., who have been affiliated with the military.
    Each of the three days is organized around a particular theme: on Thursday, it’s “Journey with Christ in Faith;” on Friday, “Journey with Christ in Workshop;” and on Saturday, “Journey with Christ in Witness.” In Los Angeles next month, a similar congress will be held for dioceses mainly in the western United States. The Los Angeles Religious Education Congress will be held March 14-16 in Anaheim, CA.  The AMS dinner there will be held on March 13, 2014. For more information, go here.


    Photo Cutline: AMS Director of Faith Formation Jose Amaya with Archbishop Timothy Broglio at the 2013 Mid-Atlantic Congress in Baltimore.

    The Archdiocese for the Military Services (AMS) was created as an independent archdiocese by Pope John Paul II in 1985 as the only Catholic jurisdiction responsible for endorsing and granting faculties for priests to serve as chaplains in the U.S. military and VA Medical Centers.

    AMS-endorsed priests serve at more than 220 U.S. military installations in 29 countries, making the AMS the nation's only global archdiocese. AMS-endorsed priests also serve at 153 VA Medical Centers throughout the U.S.

    The AMS service population also includes American Catholic civilians working for the federal government in 134 countries, but currently, due to limited resources, the AMS cannot adequately serve this population.

    Worldwide, an estimated 1.8 million Catholics depend on the AMS to meet their spiritual and sacramental needs.
    For more information on the Archdiocese for the Military Services, visit, the only official website for Catholics in the military and for the Cause of Father Vincent Capodanno, MM.

    Sunday, March 2, 2014

    Childrens Way of the Cross!

    This simple yet colorful and cute Childrens' Way of the Cross is what we will use this year at our chapel Childrens' Way of the Cross night.  Each child will receive the pre punched, corresponding picture to the station as the parishioners processed together through the stations.  The children will put their pre punched stations card on a metal rings, so that by the end of The Way of the Cross, each child will have a completed ring that they may keep.  At each station children will read the corresponding meditation.