Sunday, February 23, 2014

Chosen Confirmation Program!

The new Confirmation program by Chris Stefanick.  This is what I was looking for to put some life back into Confirmation programs!  Looks like it will engage and inspire the youth of today in this electronic world they live in by brining the richness of our Catholic faith to teens in with a modern approach!

AMS Digital Resources!

This is so cool!  Did you know the Archdioceses for the Military Services started a digital media center where you have access to all sorts of cool video downloads about our Catholic faith??  Check it out:

Now if we could just get internet at the chapel...

World Youth Day 2016

Hopefully our Polish priest will be on board with a personal tour while we are there!  I hope we make it to World Youth Day in Krakow!  Check out this site to find out the latest news about World Youth Day 2016!

Happy Saints

Check this site out for Happy Saints!  What an adorable site!  Well worth the visit!

sacred heart happy saints