Saturday, December 28, 2013

Another Vcat Video

Well worth the time with this link...

Again, supported by the AMS and the Diocese of West Virginia!

Catholic youth videos promoted by the AMS

I received an email from the Archdiocese for the Military Services promoting the use of these videos in Religious Education Programs.  Thank you to the Diocese of West Virginia for making these innovative videos.  These short videos are cute explanations of the Catholic faith.  I think they could work from about 4th grade up!  I love finding new things to help explain the faith in new ways! 

Monday, December 9, 2013

Contemporary Sainthood

Okay, I signed up for the read the catechism in a year Lighthouse Media and I just got a link to a short audio clip from Contemporary Sainthood by Mark Hart.  Take a listen from the link below you will be glad you did!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Starting December 9th!

Click on the link below and you will receive a daily reading from the catechism to help you read it one year.

Free Military Download!

I love Lighthouse Media CD's.  What an easy way to learn about your Catholic faith!  My husband and I listened to several CD's when we were traveling during our PCS and even our youngest children ended up listening intently to the CD.  Lighthouse has a free monthly upload for military.  I know a lot of military families ignore this offer but it can be a life changer!! I know so many people renewed by these CDs.  Check out the link below:

Sister Jane Dominic Laurel

Sister Jane visited my daughter's Catholic high school and had a very positive effect on her and other students.  She is full of insight and understanding about human relationships.  The Sister Jane and Sister Peter Marie stayed on in North Dakota to attend the Thirst Conference in Bismarck.  Their love of Christ and devotion really struck a cord in my daughter's heart.  Check out her videos:

Good Ground Press

Sister Joan was very helpful to me while I was a Catholic Coordinator.  Her site is worth a visit for all sorts of Catholic resources...

GranTurino... Second Sunday of Advent Homily

Today, our Priest gave a very memorable homily stating the similarities of today's readings with the Clint Eastwood movie, Gran Turino.  At first, the Priest asked if any of us knew the movie with Mr. Kowalski?  No one raised their hands.  Many of us wrongly assumed it must be some Polish movie since our priest if VERY Polish or maybe he was talking about General Kowalski and we are misinterpreting him.  However, Father then said, "you know this movie with Clint Eastwood, Gran Turino" as he held up the blue ray DVD with Clint Eastwood plastered on the cover.

     Ah, that got the men of the chapel to perk up their ears.  Father then explained that St. John the Baptist is telling people to change their ways and be ready and prepared for "the Jesus" (our Priest always says, "The Jesus").  In the movie Gran Turino, the old man, Mr. Kowalski, doesn't want to change, he likes things the way they always were.  But in the end he realizes the importance of change and he makes the necessary changes in his life to help his neighborhood.  I thought that the military community would like this very modern take on our Sacred Scriptures.  I guess the message of  The Jesus and the prophets can truly be found everywhere if we are just willing to look. Father ended by telling us to watch the movie with our spouse and see the message of changing our lives for The Jesus.  There is a novel Advent activity, who knew you could learn so much from Gran Turino.  Let us not become like the Pharisees and miss seeing The Jesus in the most unusual of places!

Today's Readings:
Isaiah 11:1-10
Romans 15:4-9
Matthew 3:1--12

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Time time to enjoy the season of Advent!

My dear friend posted this great music link to get us in the mood for her favorite season, Advent.  It is a time where we must not forget the meaning and purpose of the season!

Advent is here again...

What a great Christmas site I just found!  Our ROCK program always has the students put one shoe outside their classroom so that St. Nicholas leave them a treat. There are so many special saint days in December and so little time!

Catholic Liturgical Year

" The Liturgical Year devotedly fostered and accomplished by the Church is not a cold and lifeless representation of the events of the past, or a simple and bare record of a former age. It is rather Christ Himself Who is ever living in His Church. Here He continues that journey of immense mercy which He lovingly began in His mortal life, going about doing good, with the design of bringing men to know His mysteries and in a way live by them."
- Pope Pius XII  Mediator Dei

On my search for the perfect liturgical year printable for my second grade class, I came across this quote.  I still have not found the perfect hands-on engaging liturgical year printable but this quote seemed to sum up the importance of teaching our students about the Catholic liturgical year.  I think it is interesting that many Protestant churches have followed the Catholic tradition and follow our readings and calendar year.  Why change something that is so perfect and in tune with Christ's teachings and message.