Friday, August 29, 2014

Large Group RE activities

I have a vision of having large group activities that help instill the topics we are learning throughout our RE while bringing families together for formation AND giving teachers a night off from lesson planning.  I am already very familiar with Saint Night (usually the Wednesday before Halloween) and its success with students.  Students dress as their favorite saint then take turns announcing which saint they chose to dress as and something about their saint(if they can remember).  We have done create an advent wreath as a family and we tried the living rosary and will hopefully have more success with that this year (thank you Jared Dees).  However, I am looking for more ideas.  We will have to do a Lent Night but I can't think of anything else.  If you have any ideas please post them!

Thank you Religion Teacher!

A big thank you to Jared Dees and all the tireless work he does for Catholic Religion Teachers from around the world.  I think people are always so busy trying to find volunteers to teach religion classes that not enough time is spent helping to form the best religion teachers possible.  As a teacher myself, mother of four, and an active duty spouse I am not short on excuses on my time however my RE students should only get the best no matter what grade I am teaching. We lose sight that we are teaching the future of our Church all in one hour a week classes.  I LOVE Mr. Dees site and he is always updating and creating new lesson plans and activities to help us achieve the best Catholic RE students and teachers possible.  Check it out!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Catechetical Sunday 2014

(courtesy of the US Catholic Bishop website)

It is never to early to start thinking about:

Catechetical Sunday 2014

This year, the Church will celebrate Catechetical Sunday on September 21, 2014, and will focus on the theme "Teaching About God's Gift of Forgiveness." Those whom the community has designated to serve as catechists will be called forth to be commissioned for their ministry. Catechetical Sunday is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the role that each person plays, by virtue of Baptism, in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel. Catechetical Sunday is an opportunity for all to rededicate themselves to this mission as a community of faith.

September 21, 2014

Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Green Vestments - Year A
Theme: "Teaching About God's Gift of Forgiveness

bishop-ricken-2013-100x140The Bishop's Welcome Message

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
The Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis is pleased to announce the release of the 2014 Catechetical Sunday materials focused on the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation. Catechetical Sunday, which is celebrated annually on the third Sunday in September in parishes across the United States, falls this year on the weekend of September 21, 2014, the Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time.

The theme for 2014 Catechetical Sunday is “Teaching about God’s Gift of Forgiveness”.  Even before anyone of us can consider seeking forgiveness in the Sacrament of Penance, we know God is already at work in our hearts. God the Father pursues us down the byways of our life, intent to restore and share with us in greater measure a life of grace and union with him, which was secured at so great a cost through the saving death of his Son. The Spirit helps us to discern where sinfulness has wounded and enslaved us, and creates in us, the penitents, a readiness to embrace ongoing conversion of life through sorrow for sins, sacramental confession through the ministry of the priest, and a firm purpose of amendment.
As in past years, a variety of materials have been prepared to assist pastors, parish catechists, Catholic school teachers and the faithful in celebrating Catechetical Sunday, not only in September, but also throughout the 2014-2015 year. These materials are provided free of charge. USCCB Publishing will also sell printed copies of prayer cards, family commitment cards, posters, and certificates in English and Spanish.

Whether you confess regularly, or this is the first time in a long time, may this be your moment to draw near to the confessional with confidence to celebrate the tender loving mercy of God. May you experience again and again God’s gift of forgiveness and healing through the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation.

Sincerely yours in Christ,
Bishop David L. Ricken,
Chairman of Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis.

Summer is coming to an end...time to get prepared for another RE Year!

The Religion Teacher
Eight years ago I had my first day teaching at the high school level. I had a SMARTBoard in my room that I'd never used before. The first group of studeents walked in and I fired up the PowerPoint I had planned for the day introducing my syllabus, my rules, and the class procedures.

I couldn't get the SMARTBoard turned on. I made everyone turn to the back of the room and taught from the whiteboard. I was embarrassed. 

Looking back, however, that was probably the most exciting thing that happened that day. For the next class, I got the projector going. I gave my presentation five more times that day . . . and was met with blank stares, uninterested responses to questions, and half-asleep teenagers. I was doing something terribly wrong . . . 

We have an incredible opportunity in our first days back (whether in a parish or school) to set our class apart from the rest. We can either give the students something to believe in or promise them the same old boring class they will get everywhere else. 

Next week I am hosting a webinar on "The Ten First-Week Mistakes You Must Avoid this Year." Here are the details: 
I love Jared Dees!  Here is a free webnair scheduled for this Tuesday to get you energized for the upcoming Religious Education year!!  Easy and well worth your 60 minutes!!
From Jared Dees founder of The Religion Teacher:
Eight years ago I had my first day teaching at the high school level. I had a SMARTBoard in my room that I'd never used before. The first group of studeents walked in and I fired up the PowerPoint I had planned for the day introducing my syllabus, my rules, and the class procedures.

I couldn't get the SMARTBoard turned on. I made everyone turn to the back of the room and taught from the whiteboard. I was embarrassed. 

Looking back, however, that was probably the most exciting thing that happened that day. For the next class, I got the projector going. I gave my presentation five more times that day . . . and was met with blank stares, uninterested responses to questions, and half-asleep teenagers. I was doing something terribly wrong . . . 

We have an incredible opportunity in our first days back (whether in a parish or school) to set our class apart from the rest. We can either give the students something to believe in or promise them the same old boring class they will get everywhere else. 

Next week I am hosting a webinar on "The Ten First-Week Mistakes You Must Avoid this Year." Here are the details: 

You will learn: 
  • How to get your students to WANT to come back to class 
  • How to create a welcoming environment 
  • Why sharing your syllabus may be the worst thing you can do on the first day of school 
  • A simple approach to lesson planning (an update from the lesson planning guide) 
I hope you will join us

Grace and peace,  

Jared Dees 
The Religion Teacher
Author of 31 Days to Becoming a Better Religious Educator 

P.S. This Thursday is the Feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Premium members can access a short video and worksheet in honor of the saint. 
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Thursday, May 22, 2014

This is our Archbishop!

Did you know that our future Archbishop for the Military Services, Archbishop Timothy Broglio, was featured in the National Geographic Documentary Inside the Vatican?  I love showing this movie to my 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.  It is a great glimpse into the vast beauty and history of our Church and shows the ceremony of priests becoming Bishops.  Especially neat is that it features our current Archbishop Timothy Broglio!

Memorial Day Mass

Look who made the home page on EWTN Catholic Network!  Don't forget to tune in for the Memorial Day Mass with our own Archbishop on May 26th in Memorial for all those who serve and have served our country...


05/26 at 1:00 PM ET
Archbishop Timothy Broglio celebrates the Military Services Memorial Mass in Washington, D.C.


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

One more thing

Yes, I'm still avoiding making dinner. I  have to say I stumbled upon the website:  while reading my National Catholic Register. I thought I was the MOST Catholic Katie in the world but that was squashed when I say and it wasn't my website!  I guess she is writer for the Register.  I guess there is room for both of us in the world.  Great website I highly recommend it!